
Featured Member Friday: Chad Vance

  November 24, 2017

Each week we ask one of our members why they started CrossFit 🙂

1. When did you start CrossFit?

Dabbed a little in it from 2005-2009 as a supplement to both martial arts training and Army physical fitness training for ROTC. I started the main site WODs 5 days a week doing the Girl’s RX in 2009, working to the men’s scale in 2011. Ended up coaching Crossfit in Afghanistan while deployed late 2012 to early 2013. Hooked up with SCCF when I got back, and finally went to Cookeville to pick up my L1.

2. Why did you start CrossFit?

I started because I found it was a more efficient way to maintain and increase my current fitness level.

Also, I never want to be in the situation you hear about at the end of various TV ads and have the slightest reason to ask my doctor if my heart is healthy enough for sex.

3. What’s your favorite thing about coming to CrossFit?

Pick One:

  • Camaraderie – The product of shared misery and laughter.
  • Accountability – 5:30AM is not as early when you know you are not working out alone.
  • Convenience – I get to use the gym’s equipment instead of losing my garage.
  • The “Sacred Space” concept – A physical location dedicated to perform a single task.
  • The Escape – Physical exertion that puts me back on track and reduces stress.
  • The Scenery – This hot chick (my wife) that works out at the box from time to time.

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