
Featured Member Friday: Matt Bazarnyj

  November 3, 2017

Each week we ask one of our members why they started CrossFit 🙂

1. When did you start CrossFit?

Fall/Summer of 2015

2. Why did you start CrossFit?

I was going through a rough time in my life, dealing with divorce (attorneys). My life was turned upside down and I was at my heaviest I had ever been (265lbs), turning to food to compensate for the stress. I knew I needed to do something for my health (both physically and mentally) and for my 3 kids. DD was the answer, I had a few neighbors who were addicted and seeing results and I thought I would give it a go and have not stopped since. Currently 240lbs, however I don’t go by how much I weigh any more, but more about how I feel. I can tell you, I feel great!

3. What’s your favorite thing about coming to CrossFit?

Community, Family, Socialization, positive atmosphere, the challenge and feeling of accomplishment each day to name a few.

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